Graham Flack
MaRS Solutions Lab Advisory Board; Deputy Minister Canadian Heritage

Graham Flack
MaRS Solutions Lab Advisory Board; Deputy Minister Canadian Heritage
Graham Flack is Deputy Minister of Canadian Heritage with the Federal Government of Canada. He also is the co-chair of the Deputy Minister Committee on Policy Innovation.
Graham has a long career in government. From 2013, he was Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet at the Privy Council Office. Before, he was Associate Deputy Minister then Acting Deputy Minister at Public Safety Canada, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister of Energy Policy and Assistant Deputy Minister, International Trade and Finance. In 1995 Graham joined the Privy Council Office where he worked on the referendum campaign, Secession Reference and Clarity Act and became its Director of Strategic and Legal Affairs. Following 9/11, he became Director of Operations responsible for developing and implementing the Canada-US Smart Borders Declaration and Action Plan and for developing Canada’s first National Security Policy – Securing an Open Society. Graham is Deputy Minister Champion for the Federal Youth Network and for Dalhousie University.