Jackie Csonka-Peeren

Jackie Csonka-Peeren
Jackie has over twenty years of experience leading advanced technology development and commercialization at BioAlliance Consulting, Millenium Biologix, IBM, Celestica and the Ontario Rehabilitation Technology Consortium (ORTC). She was past President and CEO of Segasist Technologies, a medical software company in Toronto, moving this startup from technology licensing to installation at leading world healthcare centres, including the US National Cancer Institute and Canada’s Princess Margaret Hospital. An inventor herself, Jackie designed the FIDTM method of team-based inventive design to facilitate the creative process in others.
Most recently, she formed DecisionModel Associates, which seeks to advance the growth and prosperity of SMEs by way of applying tools and expertise in strategic decision‐making.
Jackie holds an M.B.A. for Science and Technology from Queen’s University, an M.A.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Toronto, and a B.A.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Toronto.
Her professional memberships include the Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), the Licensing Executive Society (LES), the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS) and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Jackie is fluently bilingual in English and French.