Mark Bowden

Mark Bowden
Mark Bowden is an expert in human behaviour and body language, and is the creator of TRUTHPLANE®, a communication training company and unique methodology for anyone who has to communicate with impact to an audience. Mark’s highly entertaining keynote speeches and training seminars teach audiences around the world how to use the most influential verbal and nonverbal language to stand out, win trust and gain credibility every time they speak.
Mark was voted number one in the world’s top 30 Body Language Professionals for both 2014 and 2015 by Global Gurus for his world-class communication techniques, in which he trains leading business people, teams, presidents and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and prime ministers of G8 powers. Mark is on faculty as business presentation trainer for The Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA, ranked number one in the world by The Economist. Mark’s publications include the bestselling Winning Body Language (McGraw Hill 2010); Winning Body Language for Sales Professionals (McGraw Hill 2012); and Tame the Primitive Brain – 28 Ways in 28 Days to Manage the Most Impulsive Behaviors at Work (Wiley 2013). Mark is honoured to be a member of the TED community, having spoken on the main stage at TEDx Toronto. He can be seen regularly on daytime TV as body language expert for Canadian broadcaster CTV’s “The Social.”
Please visit Mark’s website to learn more.