Melissa Kargiannakis
Melissa Kargiannakis
Melissa Kargiannakis is a Studio Y Fellow. She is who you were 5 or 10 years ago: full of energy, a little idealistic, and fully confident that she will impact the world. Her friends will tell you the sky is not her limit because she transforms the impossible to possible by sheer force of will. Her motto—overreach: do things beyond your current capacity—drives her to reach above her abilities today to shape her abilities for tomorrow.
Some people say it takes a village to raise a child, but it has taken an entire province to raise Melissa. Hailing from Sault Ste. Marie, she has gained adoptive families from London and Burford to Mississauga and Burlington. She is a ½ Italian and ½ Greek creative thinker. She loves to problem solve, talk, and learn.
Far beyond the Master’s of Health Information Science she is currently completing, Melissa transcends what is expected and is not afraid to take risks toward a better future. She has a history of radical leadership in her communities that she hopes to carry forward in her career trajectory. Her long-term career goal is to revolutionize healthcare and education systems. Most of all she is a connector, and interested in connecting with you.