Be hot: Get your genomics work noticed

How do you get noticed in genomics? Be hot.

News flash: Genomics is hot. And Ontario is hot in genomics.

If you’re part of this oh-so-hot sector in Ontario, how do you get your innovations, resources, company noticed? How do you get hot?

Well, first, you have to get noticed. And I’m going to tell you how (that, and get you eligible for some free services).

Since the first human genome was sequenced a decade ago, genomics has been an intensive area of life sciences research worldwide resulting in invaluable resources (think GenBank, Protein Data Bank), the development of new technologies (think next-generation sequencing) as well as emerging businesses and commercial opportunities (think Genomic Health, Synthetic Genomics). Ontario’s genomics sector, consisting of hundreds of scientists at various institutions and companies, is playing a key role in this genomics era including generating Ontarian-led resources such as the  Database of Genomic Variants and the Barcode of Life Data Systems and creating IP and companies like ArcticDx and Cytognomix.

Genomics is blazing across the Ontario horizon — the perfect storm for a super-sector. But you need to be sure your flame is burning brightly in this fire.

The Genomics Sector Innovation Network ( makes it easy.  

Here’s how it works:

1. You post:

  • Researcher profiles
  • Institution profiles (companies, research institutes, etc)
  • Project profiles
  • Resource profiles (databases, infrastructure, etc)
  • Intellectual Property opportunities

It’s quick and easy: you light the fire.

2. Ontario Genomics Institute (OGI) markets the g-sin portal to international biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry decision makers.

3. These decision makers find you after searching for what they need. They read your profile, visit your website and contact you.

4. You’re hot.

The g-sin portal helps you:

  • Connect with collaborators, industry and investors
  • Showcase your research, resources, company and services
  • Present your Intellectual Property to potential receptors

And remember I mentioned those free services? If you post a profile before the end of January 2011, in addition to getting your work noticed internationally, you will be eligible to win $1000 worth of genomics services.

Check it out soon.  It’s simple to post a profile on g-sin and light that fire.