Developing a pharmaceutical product? Gain key tips to optimize your development process!

Moving from drug discovery to drug development requires a particular skillset usually not yet honed by start-ups. Colin Minchom, President Cordack Inc., shared his views on the Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (CMC) portion of the drug development process while highlighting the crucial aspects of the duration and cost of delivering the dosage form into the clinic while meeting regulations.

Watch Colin as he shares tips for successfully steering through the pharmaceutical product development (CMC) process.

His key message includes:

  • Importance of understanding drug’s properties
  • Significance of very practical estimation of the cost and duration of dose form development
  • Best practice of keeping your eye on the end-game which is “commercialization”
  • Need of strategic expertise to help formulate plans

Here’s the video of Colin’s Development and Delivery of Pharmaceutical Products (CMC) discussion and presentation from our Best Practices series.

In his presentation above, Colin discusses the pharmaceutical product development (CMC) process, which includes objectives of formulation and cost-effective strategies to reach key milestones.

Here’s Colin’s slide presentation.