This week, a co-developed social innovation policy paper was delivered to the Ontario government, identifying better ways to unleash the sector’s potential as well as new opportunities for cross-sectoral collaboration.
The paper – and wiki that supported its development – was an extension of the first-ever Social Innovation Summit in Ontario, hosted at MaRS on May 16, 2011. The Summit featured three provincial ministers (Glen Murray, Research and Innovation, Dr. Eric Hoskins, Citizenship and Immigration, & Laurel Broten, Children and Youth Services) coming together to push social innovation in Ontario forward. It brought together representatives from the political, business and non-profit sectors to discuss how they could work together and leverage collaborations to create new solutions for pressing problems in Ontario.
This Storify post, compiled with tweets and pictures from the day, gives a quick blow-by-blow account of the day.
[View the story “Social Innovation Summit for Ontario” on Storify]