August 27, 2009
The social capital market includes a broad range of people and organizations at the intersection of money and meaning. It gains strength and momentum as more people reject the old “greed-first” capital market and search for alternatives. Social Capital Markets 2009 (SoCap09) will convene at the Fort Mason Center in San Francisco on September 1-3, 2009 to discuss just such alternatives.
Last year, SOCAP08 provided the opportunity to discover the landscape. In this year’s new economy, we’re seeing a roadmap emerging, allowing us to highlight ways that people and organizations are entering the market, moving forward and collaborating. Players, thinkers and doers are all coming to SoCap09 to learn from each other and get things done. We’re creating an agenda based not just theory, but on new and stronger partnerships that lead to action. And we’re building a new kind of capital market, a new way of doing business that takes into account people, planet and profit. Click here today to register to attend SoCap09!
Canadian Day: August 31st
If you are involved in building the social capital marketplace in Canada and intend to be at SoCAP09 then register for the Canadian Day on August 31st.
Social Innovation Generation (SiG) National is taking advantage of North America’s premier social finance conference by convening participating Canadians one day prior, on August 31st in San Francisco. This pre-conference day will reinforce Canadian momentum towards a social finance marketplace.
The objective of the day is two-fold:
The Canadian Day at SoCAP is being organized by Social Innovation Generation (SiG) National through its program, CAUSEWAY. CAUSEWAY is a national collaboration, hosted by SiG@MaRS. To register, contact: