January 12, 2009
At last week’s CIBC Presents Entrepeneurship 101 lecture, students heard an inspiring talk from John Abele, co-founder of Boston Scientific. But the talk was not about less invasive medical devices, the foundation of Boston Scientific, but rather about how multidisciplinary collaboration, particularly in meetings and seminars, is a powerful tool for generating ideas and insights.
In academia the norm is too often the specialist meeting: only those with a narrow expertise in a particular silo are invited to participate on the (presumed) basis that only the experts can make a meaningful contribution. John’s experience at Boston Scientific has taught him otherwise (as has my own personal experience). By bringing in participants with diverse backgrounds, more creative avenues are explored.
I’d like to hear from others: what has your own experience taught you about the best way to gain insights into solving problems?
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The Collaboration Paradox: None of us is as dumb as all of us
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