The short answer to the title question is no.
Last week’s CIBC Presents Entrepreneruship 101 lecture featured a “Lived It” lecture from Ray Simonson, CEO of Coreworx, and co-founder and CTO of Bluegill Technologies. Ray delighted the audience with the story (saga?) of Bluegill; a story with a very successful outcome. Sadly, in Canada we don’t celebrate stories like these — a situation that MaRS seeks to change.
If you missed Wednesday’s lecture, I urge you to click below to watch it. I’m also asking you to post suggestions for other Canadian entrepreneurs whose success (or even attempts) we should be celebrating. There are always slots for more “Lived It” speakers and we are more than happy to accept suggestions.
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Entrepreneurship: “Lived It” with Ray Simonson
View SlideShare presentation or Download a PDF. (tags: entrepreneurship mars)