March 21, 2015
If you’re an entrepreneur, doctrepreneur, developer, designer or creator of any type, the time has come to join the movement to transform healthcare.
We’re living in a unique moment in history where every aspect of our lives is impacted by technology, data and a connected innovation ecosystem. As a result, the multi-trillion-dollar healthcare industry is in the early stages of creative destruction and is experiencing a global renaissance made possible by rapidly changing business models, massive demand for better (and more cost-effective) care, a digital revolution that’s quickly changing what is possible and an influx of talented healthcare transformers equipped to radically improve the status quo.
In the next 10 years, we expect to see this explosion of activity accelerate globally. It’s not only the technology solutions being developed around the world that are so exciting—it’s also the cross-pollination of ideas and business models.
Tools and models that are working in Toronto might morph into exponential opportunities when mixed with completely different offerings from other parts of the world and vice versa. By mixing and mashing ideas, markets, networks and technologies, we can bend the innovation curve and create solutions that are more powerful than anyone or any place could have come up with on their own.
Join StartUp Health and Health 2.0 Toronto at MaRS on March 24 to explore how globalization will aid in the re-imagination of healthcare and to hear firsthand from StartUp Health entrepreneurs Alex Brown and Daniel Penn about their experiences working in diverse markets. We’ll be engaging in conversation and sharing ideas about how together we can make big things happen.
If you’re developing digital health products and want to gain insights into emerging opportunities around the world while networking with fellow health tech entrepreneurs, this is a can’t-miss event.
Learn more and RSVP here.