May 04, 2012
Have you ever asked yourself the question: Am I a manager or a leader?
Have you ever thought: I’m good at getting things done. Should I move to the next level and be a leader (so I can help others get things done)?
If so, read on!
At last week’s Best Practices session, Charles Plant, Founder and Chairman, Material Minds, took us through the seven key skills you need to make the transition from manager to leader.
Skill 1: Getting results – Good leadership produces great results!
In order to get exceptional results you need to: plan, organize, staff, direct and control.
Skill 2: Metrics – You should have metrics in place to measure your (and your team’s) performance!
Always measure quality, cost and speed.
Skill 3: Materiality – Did you ever say – “Good enough move on…”?
If something does not have a material effect on your metrics, don’t spend any time on it!
Skill 4: Hiring – Hire for attitude, train for skills!
Always invest a good amount of time in hiring the right people.
Skill 5: Delegating – Everybody hates micro-managers. You’re a good leader if you let people own their jobs/projects and help them get the work done.
You can always try MBWA (Managing By Walking Around)!
Skill 6: Listening – Listening is rated as one of the most important leadership qualities.
By listening, you learn about your employees and their issues, and grant them openness in speech and thought.
Skill 7: Emotional Intelligence – To become a great leader, try to meet the needs of your employees by connecting emotionally with them and helping them solve problems.
Empower your team by connecting with them on an emotional level.
Watch this video of Charles to gain key tips on the things that separate leadership from management:
Watch the complete best practices presentation here.
For your reference, Charles’ presentation slides are posted here.