November 22, 2013
At the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing, we want to empower communities, individuals and enterprises across Canada that are champing at the bit to do social good. There are so many initiatives and events taking place in the impact investing space every day, and because we know there is so much to learn, we want that process of empowerment to be mutual. That’s why we’re pleased to announce the launch of our robust, utilitarian and ever-expanding Knowledge Hub, an organic, contribution-led resource base on impact investing.
The Knowledge Hub is equipped with an expanding set of starting points for various users that allow for specialized, directed searches and relevant returns. Let’s say, for example, that a user needs to convince the investment board members of her foundation that Social Impact Bonds are worth their consideration. The Knowledge Hub has webinars on the topic, papers from thought leaders in the field and even shareable presentations that can be easily repurposed.
The same goes for public policy developers, asset managers or users who work in non-profit organizations. As our Knowledge Hub grows, we’ll also have starting points that touch on the agricultural and fisheries sectors, affordable housing and mission investing for foundations.
Our sector map, which can be enhanced and updated by users, enables people to connect to organizations, initiatives and individuals within the nationwide impact investing sector. It also allows individuals to share the stories of their programs and initiatives with the rest of the country.
Our resources section includes an ever-expanding wealth of articles, videos, websites and reports. We’ve also got a robust national directory of impact-oriented funding sources, an excellent collection of tools and information around social impact measurement and, of course, a guide to social finance for those needing a primer.
The Knowledge Hub is the comprehensive and useful tool out there for those interested in Canadian social finance. Check it out today.