When it comes to social and mobile technology, the question is no longer whether or not we should be using it, but rather, how can we adopt it in a strategic way? And how can social innovators use it to create greater impact?
Net Change 2010, powered by MaRS, is week-long series of events launching June 7th. It will explore the intersection between technology and social change. And the opportunities this intersection presents.
Monday through Wednesday, you can get dedicated training in online and mobile strategic communication. Thursday and Friday, challenge your thinking about how technology can be designed for positive social change in the future. Canadian and international digital media and technology experts will discuss the repercussions of speedy adoption of online technology along with critical observations about our current social context.
Over 2,000 people will attend the week’s events. How do you want to get involved?
- Dynamic digital art show: Net Change will be an immersive experience with the help of digital art installations, with which participants can interact. Want to submit your work to be displayed at MaRS? Send us ideas!
- Future lab: Three pre-selected project ideas will enter into the lab, where teams will have less than 48hrs to come up with game plans for how the ideas will be realized out in the world. Judges will pick the winning idea in front of a live audience. Do you have a wicked problem – or are you interested in solving one? Sign up here!
- Roving reporters & Buzz builders: Net Change Agents will be capturing all the action through Live Tweeting, Blogging and with video cameras. Want to help us build the buzz? Let us know!
- Digital Literacy Education: Last year, material captured at Net Change was re-purposed for TVO’s suite of digital literacy shorts. We are committed to the ongoing use of our content for this purpose. Interested in our content? Be in touch!
You might just be interested in the all-star line-up of speakers, including:
- Professor Iqbal Quadir, founder of Grameenphone, is our distinguished keynote on Wednesday night for “Mobile Tech and the Global Threat Set”
- CBC’s Jesse Hirsh will moderate a discussion on Cybersecurity, featuring Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario and Ronald Deibert, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Citizen Lab at UofT’s Munk Centre for International Studies
- Sounding off on the Future Panel: Dr. Gerri Sinclair, Director of BC’s Digital Media Centre, Dr. Lucy Bernholz, Founder and President of Blueprint Research and Design Inc., and John Thackara, Author of In The Bubble: Designing In A Complex World
- Don Tapscott, Author of Wikinomics, will discuss for the first time, his latest tome; MacroWikinomics
- Beth Kanter, named: “One of the most influential women in technology” by Fast Company Magazine, opens the My Charity Connects event
Whether you want to learn the skills and get the tools needed to build your own digital media strategy, hear from experts on how safe our information really is, or simply looking for networking opportunities in the social innovation space, there is something for everyone. Don’t miss out! Check the calendar here and register today!
You’re invited! Check out our digital short and pass it on!
Who comes to Net Change? This and other questions answered here.
Follow us on Twitter @Netchange and be in touch at info@netchangeweek.com.
Net Change 2010: You’re invited! from SiG @ MaRS on Vimeo.