January 27, 2011
How do your employee salaries compare to other start-ups in Ontario? Complete the TechEdge Survey and find out!
TechEdge helps companies make informed salary decisions. They’re growing their GTA data and relationships right now while allowing us to “test-drive” the data and assess its value. They plan to offer their first report in June 2011.
What’s in it for you?
Participate and receive a free report!
Your report will include 2011 GTA-based results for every job for which you submit data. You’ll also be eligible to purchase subscriptions and reports for Ontario overall.
What do you have to do?
Complete and submit a survey by matching your jobs to the industries benchmark jobs. Then help spread the word: the more others get involved, the stronger the database will be!
Interested in learning more about compensation?
Looking at industry surveys will help you get an idea of where your company fits into the spectrum of salaries. Furthermore, properly communicating a compensation strategy to your top individuals is vital in supporting your company’s growth. This is one of the biggest investments you will make.
Helen Robert & Lynn Cameron came to MaRS Best Practices Series in September 2010. Watch their video to learn more:
Compensation Strategies: 4 Hot Tips for Start-Ups
Compensation Strategies: 4 Hot Tips for Start-ups from MaRS Discovery District on Vimeo.