How was MaRS involved?

MaRS hosted the Toronto RTDS, with a particular focus on AI and machine learning. As North America’s largest urban innovation hub, equipped with transportation-sector experts, the Toronto RTDS was pleased to offer all AVIN participants:

  • business and technical advisory services from MaRS experts and partners specializing in data science, AI/machine learning, product development, software development and more;
  • access to workspace within MaRS, including MaRS Beta, coworking space with state-of-the-art meeting rooms, audio-visual support and hot desks;
  • entry to exclusive events and problem-solving workshops with corporate partners and venture companies;
  • access to relevant open data sets for research and development;
  • access to market intelligence services — globally recognized research and reports in the connected/autonomous vehicles (C/AV) and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) sectors; and
  • access to the AVIN Data Index — created and hosted by MaRS, this data sharing website allows data owners and users to facilitate research and product development for C/AVs in Ontario.

How was MaRS involved?

Participant benefits

In addition to the Toronto RTDS offerings, participants accessed other AVIN services provided by its broad network to:

  • develop products within autonomous vehicle test environments;
  • secure R&D funding;
  • foster partnerships and sales opportunities with leading companies, research institutions and government organizations; and
  • join the curated MaRS ecosystem of AI venture companies, corporate partners, investors and potential customers.

Participant benefits

The MaRS ecosystem

Our network of partner organizations offered AVIN participants technical expertise and collaboration opportunities, as well as access to infrastructure and data sets. These organizations included: