What is ENCQOR 5G?
ENCQOR 5G has built the first Canadian pre-commercial 5G wireless testbed for open innovation that can be accessed by SMEs, startups and academics. The program supports the development of new products and services in fields like connected and autonomous vehicles, smart cities, remote healthcare, virtual and augmented reality, and the Internet of Things—all with the goal of helping businesses grow and compete in global markets.
ENCQOR 5G brings together the Governments of Canada, Ontario and Quebec; anchor firms Ericsson, Ciena, Thales, IBM and CGI; as well as provincial coordinators INNOVATION ENCQOR, Prompt and CEFRIO in Quebec and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) in Ontario.
How is MaRS involved?
MaRS hosts ENCQOR 5G’s Digital Innovation Hub for the Toronto region. MaRS provides eligible startups open access to state-of-the-art 5G infrastructure and technology, allowing testing and demonstration of new products and services in a pre-commercial, collaborative environment. As an ENCQOR 5G hub, MaRS plans to bolster the Canadian tech community, grow the economy and make a positive social impact.
How is MaRS involved?
Participant benefits
In support of developing their 5G technologies, eligible startups receive:
- access to the ENCQOR 5G testbed;
- funding for new product Demonstration Projects (currently closed for applications);
- physical workspace at MaRS;
- access to talent subsidies (post-secondary and post-graduate students) (currently closed for applications); and
- MaRS business support services to raise capital, increase customer bases and attract talent.
Startups are encouraged to advance their own Demonstration Projects through the 5G testbed. They also have the chance to engage in 5G SME Technology Development Projects—collaborative technology development projects with anchor firms.
Participant benefits
The following opportunities are available as part of the ENCQOR 5G program:
Digital innovation hubs / 5G iPaas testbed access
Open access to ENCQOR 5G infrastructure to develop, test and demonstrate new products and services in a pre-commercial, collaborative environment.
Demonstration projects
Designed to support SMEs in testing and validation activities using the ENCQOR 5G iPaaS testbed to develop or advance new 5G technologies, products, processes and services.
Technology development projects
SMEs and academia partner on Challenge Statements with Anchor Firms to support development, integration, testing and validation of pre-commercial technologies using
ENCQOR 5G infrastructure.
Talent development internships
Ontario students and recent graduates gain valuable real-world industry experience and SMEs access vital up-and-coming talent through an internship program.
MaRS venture services
To raise capital, increase customer bases, and attract talent.